Hugh Campbell
Hugh Campbell is multi-talented. He writes songs, sings and plays guitar, builds furniture out of reclaimed wood, and restores old buildings.
Hugh is a storyteller on many levels. He won a songwriter’s award in Austin once for a song he wrote called “Footprints Left Below,” which is about Tom Moore, a gravedigger in North East, Maryland, and one of the men who used to hang out at our father’s store, sitting with the other old guys on the ice house porch in summer and by the back-room coal stove in winter. Hugh told Tom’s story.
And, he tells many others, in his songs and in the furniture he builds. He rescues wood from old barns and other falling-down structures and turns it into something new, a finely wrought bookcase or cabinet, with hardware rescued from other once-lovely but now dilapidated pieces of furniture. The wood and the hardware cannot speak their stories, but they carry them all the same.